"Pioneering North Texas" begins in the year 1844 and chronicles over a decade of American history during a time when courageous immigrants were moving their families southwestward toward the new Young Republic of Texas.
Among those immigrants were
the Miller family and their patriarch,
The family faced many overwhelming hardships in the rugged territory, attempting to establish a solid foundation in their “new land".
Miller has plotted a fictional saga around his own family’s history using over 300 substantiated historical events that took place in the United States of America.
By using facts that were told to him personally about each family member’s temperaments and experiences, his characters come to life in a very vivid and realistic way.
One of many hardships the Miller family faced early in the story was the murder of Ebenezer’s son, Jesse, who tragically dies at the hands of a stranger. The family is then forced to deal with his death and the murder trial of his grandson, George, who avenges his father’s death.
This incident, along with many others, including accounts of Indian depredations taking place during this same time, transports the reader into a story of uncertainty, suspense, and heartbreak
and the saga continues . . .